Who are We?

We specialize in providing exceptional billing services for Midwife practices. We understand the unique nature of Midwifery care and the specific billing requirements that come with it. Our team is dedicated to ensuring accurate and timely billing, while also prioritizing clear and open communication with both clients and healthcare providers. We are committed to offering a seamless and professional experience, allowing midwives to focus on delivering outstanding care to their clients.

Our Service & Fees

Birth Billing Service

At Cosmic Birth Billing, we prioritize the efficient completion of verification of benefits to ensure clarity regarding coverage for our clients. Our dedicated team communicates directly with your health insurance provider to confirm the details of your policy and inform you about the extent of your coverage. We can request a gap exception with your insurance provider. This is a request for your midwives services to be covered at an ‘in-network’ rate. Typically, this means a higher reimbursement for you. Once your baby is born, we will submit your claims and follow up with your insurance company. We understand the importance of this process in managing the financial aspect of childbirth and seek to provide transparent and accurate information to support our clients during this significant time.


$25 Fee for Verification of Benefits.

Once your insurance successfully processes your claim, our standard procedure involves recovering a 10% fee from your reimbursement, as agreed upon in our terms.

Photograph By: @TampaBirthPhotographer (Chinelle Rojas)

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